- 配置ntp服务
- 配置无密码访问
- 修改/etc/hosts使得集群机器之间可以使用短域名直接互相访问
- 关闭selinux
- 关闭iptables服务或者开放相应端口号
- 安装ceph(所有节点)
yum install -y ceph
- 安装ceph-deploy
yum install -y ceph-deploy
- 创建部署目录
mkdir -p /root/my-cluster && cd /root/my-cluster
- 开始部署
ceph-deploy new ceph-1 ceph-2 ceph-3
- 生成
ceph.conf, ceph-deploy-ceph.log, ceph.mon.keyring
三个文件 - new后面跟的是部署MON节点的短域名
hostname -s
- 生成
- 更新配置文件(/root/my-cluster/ceph.conf)
- public_network = 配置外网网络
- cluster_network = 配置内部网络
- mon_clock_drift_allowed = 2: 配置MON节点之间的时间差在2秒之内
- osd_journal_size = 20480: 默认为5GB,设置为20GB
- mds_cache_memory_limit = 4294967296: 默认为1GB,设置为4GB
- mds_recall_state_timeout = 120: 默认为60s,设置为120s
- bluestore_cache_size_hdd = 4294967296: 默认为1GB,设置为4GB
- 部署monitor
ceph-deploy mon create-initial
- ceph-deploy读取配置文件中的mon_initial_members的各个主机,然后依次SSH前往各个主机:
- 将部署目录下的ceph.conf推送到新节点的/etc/ceph/目录下。
- 创建/var/lib/ceph/mon/$cluster-$hostname/目录。
- 检查MON目录下是否有done文件,如果有则直接跳到第6步。
- 将ceph.mon.keyring拷贝到新节点,并利用该秘钥在MON目录下建立MON数据库。
- 在MON目录下建立done文件,防止重新建立MON。
- 启动MON进程。
- 查看
- 在所有的MON都建立好后,再次前往各个主机,查看所有主机是否运行并且到达法定人群(quorum)。如果有没到到的,直接结束报错。如果都到达了,执行下一步。
- 调用auth get-or-create方法创建(如果不存在)或者拉取(已经存在)MON节点上的以下几个keyring到部署目录中:
ceph.bootstrap-mds.keyring ceph.bootstrap-osd.keyring ceph.bootstrap-rgw.keyring ceph.client.admin.keyring
- ceph-deploy读取配置文件中的mon_initial_members的各个主机,然后依次SSH前往各个主机:
- 推送配置文件和key
ceph-deploy admin ceph-1 ceph-2 ceph-3
- 部署mgr
ceph-deploy mgr create ceph-1 ceph-2 ceph-3
- 部署osd
ceph-deploy disk zap ceph-1 /dev/vdb ceph-deploy osd create ceph-1 --data /dev/sdb --block-db /dev/sdc ceph-deploy disk zap ceph-2:sdb ceph-deploy osd create ceph-2 --data /dev/sdb --block-db /dev/sdc ceph-deploy disk zap ceph-3:sdb ceph-deploy osd create ceph-3 --data /dev/sdb --block-db /dev/sdc
注: zap disk可能会失败,尝试先删除vg/lv/pv,再wipefs
- 部署mds
ceph-deploy mds create ceph-1 ceph-2 ceph-3
- 检查状态
ceph -s
- 增加rbd池
ceph osd pool create rbd # pg 和 pgp 默认为100 ceph osd pool set rbd pg_num 128 ceph osd pool set rbd pgp_num 128
- 管理ceph服务
- 启动所有服务
systemctl start ceph.target
- 启动所有osd/mon/mds/mgr服务
systemctl status ceph-osd.target systemctl status ceph-mon.target systemctl status ceph-mds.target systemctl status ceph-mgr.target
- 启动单个osd/mon/mds/mgr服务
systemctl start ceph-osd@0 systemctl start ceph-mon@ceph-1 systemctl start ceph-mgr@ceph-1 systemctl start ceph-mds@ceph-1
- 启动所有服务
- 注意点
命令必须在部署目录(/root/my-cluster)目录下执行- 不要直接修改某个节点的/etc/ceph/ceph.conf文件,而是修改部署目录下的配置文件(/root/my-cluster/ceph.conf),然后推送到各节
ceph-deploy--overwrite-conf config push ceph-1 ceph-2 ceph-3
PG 状态
状态 | 原因 |
Creating | 创建pg时 |
Peering | 在达成统一状态时,但不表示每个副本有最新的内容 |
Active | 达到了统一状态,可读可写 |
Clean | 主osd和副本osd都有最新的值 |
Degraded | 主osd和副本osd存储不同步 |
Recovering | 当一个osd挂,过了一段时间后,又恢复了 |
Backfilling | 新增一个osd,或删除一个osd |
Remapped | 当pg对应的osd 从 [0,1,2] -> [3,4,5] |
Stale | 主osd挂了 |
Misplaced | 当pg对应的osd 从 [0,1,2] -> [1,2,3]时,osd3还没有完全backfill |
Incomplete | 当pg对应的osd 从 [0,1,2] -> [1,2,3]时,osd3还没有完全backfill, osd0/1/2全挂了 |
OSD 设置
可以通过ceph osd set <flat>
Flag | Description |
noin | Prevents OSDs from being treated as in the cluster. |
noout | Prevents OSDs from being treated as out of the cluster. |
noup | Prevents OSDs from being treated as up and running. |
nodown | Prevents OSDs from being treated as down. |
full | Makes a cluster appear to have reached its full_ratio, and thereby prevents write operations. |
pause | Ceph will stop processing read and write operations, but will not affect OSD in, out, up or down statuses. |
nobackfill | Ceph will prevent new backfill operations. |
norebalance | Ceph will prevent new rebalancing operations. |
norecover | Ceph will prevent new recovery operations. |
noscrub | Ceph will prevent new scrubbing operations. |
nodeep-scrub | Ceph will prevent new deep scrubbing operations. |
notieragent | Ceph will disable the process that is looking for cold/dirty objects to flush and evict. |
- ceph-deploy mon add ceph-4
- ceph-deploy mon destroy ceph-4
- ceph-deploy osd create ceph-1 --data /dev/sdb --block-db /dev/sdc
- systemctl disable ceph-osd@4
- systemctl stop ceph-osd@4
- ceph osd purge osd.4 --yes-i-really-mean-it
- systemctl disable ceph-osd@4
- systemctl stop ceph-osd@4
- ceph osd out 4
- wait status is “active + clean"
- ceph osd crush remove osd.4
- ceph-deploy mgr create ceph-4
- systemctl disable mgr@ceph-4
- systemctl stop mgr@ceph-4
- ceph-deploy mds create ceph-4
- systemctl disable mds@ceph-4
- systemctl stop mds@ceph-4
ceph-deploy purge ceph-1 ceph-2 ceph-3
ceph-deploy purgedata ceph-1 ceph-2 ceph-3
ceph-deploy forgetkeys
rm ceph .*
- rbd pool init rbd
- rbd create rbd/foo --size 5G (默认单位为M)
- rbd ls
- rbd info rbd/foo
- rbd resize --size 10G rbd/foo
- rbd resize --size 1G rbd/foo --allow-shrink
- rbd rm rbd/foo
- rbd map foo
- ls /dev/rbd/foo
- ceph osd pool create cephfs_data 128
- ceph osd pool create cephfs_metadata 64
- ceph fs new myceph cephfs_metadata cephfs_data
- key_cert=$(grep key ./my-cluster/ceph.client.admin.keyring)
- echo "$key_cert" | cut -f2- -d"=" | tr -d " " > /etc/ceph/admin.secret
kernel client 挂载
- mount -t ceph -o name=admin,secretfile=/etc/ceph/admin.secret /mnt
fuse 挂载
- ceph-fuse -k /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring -m /mnt
- setfattr -n ceph.quota.max_bytes -v 100000000 /some/dir # 100 MB
- setfattr -n ceph.quota.max_files -v 10000 /some/dir # 10,000 files
- getfattr -n ceph.quota.max_bytes /some/dir
- getfattr -n ceph.quota.max_files /some/dir
- setfattr -n ceph.quota.max_bytes -v 0 /some/dir
- setfattr -n ceph.quota.max_files -v 0 /some/dir
- ceph -s –conf /etc/ceph/ceph.conf –name client.admin –keyring /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring
- ceph health
- ceph quorum_status –format json-pretty
- ceph osd dump
- ceph osd stat
- ceph mon dump
- ceph mon stat
- ceph mds dump
- ceph mds stat
- ceph pg dump
- ceph pg stat
- ceph osd tree
- ceph osd pool ls detail
- ceph osd pool set rbd crush_ruleset 1
- ceph osd pool create sata-pool 256 rule-sata
- ceph osd pool create ssd-pool 256 rule-ssd
- ceph osd pool set data min_size 2
- ceph daemon osd.0 config show (在osd节点上执行)
- ceph daemon osd.0 config set mon_allow_pool_delete true(在osd节点执行,重启后失效)
- ceph tell osd.0 config set mon_allow_pool_delete false (任意节点执行,重启后失效)
- ceph config set osd.0 mon_allow_pool_delete true(只支持13.x版本,任意节点执行,重启有效,要求配置选项不在配置配置文件中,否则mon会忽略该设置)
- ceph log last 100
- ceph osd map
- ceph pg dump
- ceph pg map x.yz
- ceph pg x.yz query
- ceph auth get client.admin –name mon. –keyring /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-$hostname/keyring
- ceph auth get osd.0
- ceph auth get mon.
- ceph auth ls
- ceph osd crush add-bucket root-sata root
- ceph osd crush add-bucket ceph-1-sata host
- ceph osd crush add-bucket ceph-2-sata host
- ceph osd crush move ceph-1-sata root=root-sata
- ceph osd crush move ceph-2-sata root=root-sata
- ceph osd crush add osd.0 2 host=ceph-1-sata
- ceph osd crush add osd.1 2 host=ceph-1-sata
- ceph osd crush add osd.2 2 host=ceph-2-sata
ceph osd crush add osd.3 2 host=ceph-2-sata
- ceph osd crush add-bucket root-ssd root
- ceph osd crush add-bucket ceph-1-ssd host
ceph osd crush add-bucket ceph-2-ssd host
- ceph osd getcrushmap -o /tmp/crush
- crushtool -d /tmp/crush -o /tmp/crush.txt
- update /tmp/crush.txt
- crushtool -c /tmp/crush.txt -o /tmp/crush.bin
- ceph osd setcrushmap -i /tmp/crush.bin
客户端与Ceph 集群进行交互,至少需要知道四条信息:
- 集群的 fsid
- 集群的 Monitor的IP 地址,必须先连上MON之后才能获取集群信息。
- 一个用于登陆的用户名
- 登陆用户对应的密码
RADOS Cluster: Reliable Autonomic Distributed Object Store
For high availability, you should run a production Ceph cluster with AT LEAST three monitors. Ceph uses the Paxos algorithm, which requires a consensus among the majority of monitors in a quorum. With Paxos, the monitors cannot determine a majority for establishing a quorum with only two monitors. A majority of monitors must be counted as such: 1:1, 2:3, 3:4, 3:5, 4:6, etc.
When adding a monitor on a host that was not in hosts initially defined with the ceph-deploy new command, a public network statement needs to be added to the ceph.conf file
Before you can write data to a placement group, it must be in an active state, and it should be in a clean state
Red Hat recommends deploying an odd number of Monitors, but it is not mandatory.
Do not let a cluster reach the full ratio before adding an OSD
The minimum size of a journal partition is 5 GB. Journal partitions bigger than 10 GB are not usually needed.
config file
# By default, Ceph makes 3 replicas of objects. If you want to make four
# copies of an object the default value--a primary copy and three replica
# copies--reset the default values as shown in 'osd pool default size'.
# If you want to allow Ceph to write a lesser number of copies in a degraded
# state, set 'osd pool default min size' to a number less than the
# 'osd pool default size' value.
osd pool default size = 3 # Write an object 3 times.
osd pool default min size = 2 # Allow writing two copies in a degraded state.
# Ensure you have a realistic number of placement groups. We recommend
# approximately 100 per OSD. E.g., total number of OSDs multiplied by 100
# divided by the number of replicas (i.e., osd pool default size). So for
# 10 OSDs and osd pool default size = 4, we'd recommend approximately
# (100 * 10) / 4 = 250.
osd pool default pg num = 250
osd pool default pgp num = 250
- https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1006084
- https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1006315
- http://docs.ceph.com/docs/mimic/rados/deployment/ceph-deploy-mon/
- https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_ceph_storage/2/pdf/administration_guide/Red_Hat_Ceph_Storage-2-Administration_Guide-en-US.pdf